What to wear to…

A night at Gus’s pub featuring Writers’ Strike/Bad Vibrations/TemperTemper and Secret (aka Rich Aucoin)…

Though I am a musician of sorts and have, in the past, played in a band and recorded with bands etc… I do not possess that innate cool laid back musician style.  Granted, I think this style is more reasonable on men than women in the first place, but I still strive not to stick out too much in the wrong way while engrossed in this culture.  My recently developed love of jeans has really helped in this style arena, along with the fact that I no longer have to try to find cello appropriate clothing (which put a major damper on my style options for most of my young life).  I still, however, find myself struggling through my mental virtual closet to figure out what to wear to such an event.  I generally try to borrow and adapt style elements from some of my favorite stylin’ local female musicians such as Jenn Grant, Christina Martin, Kinley Dowling (of Hey Rosetta), and Writer’s Strike’s own Amy Bollivar, but I have to admit that I feel like a wolf in sheeps’ clothing (or rather a priss in hip clothing).  For me, “effortless” requires more effort than “dressed to the nines”.

With all of this in mind, I am still at a loss for what to wear tonight, if I can move well enough to go (I currently have the range of motion of a robot/transformer)-on a side note, my sister and I were talking last night about how great it would be if a bunch of activists staged a robo-protest where they stood motionless until someone called “activists, activate”, then they would simultaneously all start doing ‘the robot’ in the form of activist type motions (ie. Fists in the air, human chain formation, sign lifting, etc…)-The challenge, in particular, with this event is that I know that I may, if I am able, end up moving around so I need to be aware of the sitting and crouching potential of my wardrobe.  Thus, my conclusion after all of this consideration is that I will probably wear some super high pink wedge booties (possibly inappropriate, but my own interpretation and a means of being taller than the crowd to allow for a clear line of sight to the stage), a floppy crochet beret thing (because I have bad roots, because I bought 4 of these that I have not yet worn, and because I think it is cute and saw it as a suggestion on Polyvore of what to wear to an indie show),  something leather or pleather (either a belt or a jacket), possibly denim shorts and knee or over the knee socks, and a shirt-either a t-shirt of a band (I think I have an ACDC one),  a button up shirt, or maybe either a solid black or a black and white striped shirt. 

I realize that this level of consideration and planning may seem foolish, but I basically go through this every day when I choose my outfit so it is not as crazy as it seems.  I actually noticed that a lot of people who posted this question online were shot down and told that they shouldn’t care what they wear to Indie shows….because if you like indie bands then you don’t care what you look like?  Come on-girly girls are still girly despite their environment, and playing dress-up is always fun.  My biggest suggestion is to wear something you feel physically comfortable, but emotionally or mentally uncomfortable in (just a little).  This is your chance to experiment, because supposedly nobody will even notice or care what you are wearing (though I would stay away from ball gowns because you don’t know what’s been on that ground).

Material Girl T-on sale at the Bay for $4.99 (follow link in pic)

One thought on “What to wear to…

  1. People who suggest that it doesn’t matter what you wear to an indie show cause no one will notice have clearly never worn a good outfit to an indie show! Actually, they are most likely just being hipper-than-thou! I get compliments on my wardrobe often enough when I go to shows to check out bands. A good indie show is a great place to wear your awesome vintage finds or vintage inspired items, these days I’d say 70s inspired is often a good choice.

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