ANTM Season College Edition

It is possible that I am the only one among my friends who watched last season’s top model-a trend I am sure persisted throughout North America-and I have to say that I quite enjoyed it (maybe because I prefer Brits to Americans or maybe because I think Kelly Cutrone is awesome!).  Either way, this season they have made a valiant attempt to boost the show’s ratings by adding a social media component to allow viewers to participate in the selection which now involves actual marks to remove what I call the crazy Tyra bias (See Crazy Tyra pic below).  They have also gone for gold by hiring a new judge/aka eye candy in the form of a British male model (aka sexy accent) Rob Evans who appears to model abs rather than clothing (not that I see anything wrong with that) (See pic above).   The girls this season all go to College (your mom goes to College) so they are like, you know, smart and stuff.  This week, Jesse with the great ass who wears only items from H&M was sent home.  This was sad but not shocking and all the talk about her ass made me want to see it, but they blurred it out…what is that about?

I am not sure what I think about this new format because I worry that some non-modelesque “hot girls” will end up staying in longer than they should.  That said, I don’t think the show has successfully produced many high fashion models, so perhaps a more commercial look is actually appropriate.  This coming week, the girls will have makeovers but they will be….optional (aka, not optional you idiots).  Can you imagine someone giving you a weave?  I would LOVE longer thicker hair, but I somehow doubt that I would do well with an itchy, sore head.  I hope this season brings lots of entertainment and that Tyra stops SO blatantly flirting with Britty McHottypants.  I am sad to no longer see the Jay’s there, but at least I have a little Kelly C back in my life.  I keep meaning to read her book, but I have not found it on audiobook, and that seems to be the only way I can justify having time to read to myself.  Anyway, I will leave you with a quote from the wonderfully unstylish PR maven herself:

“The planet is here for our delight, but it is also here for us to change, to make it the best it can be. It’s not just about sleeping and f*^$ing and getting the right dress. Let’s HOPE not.”
Kelly Cutrone, If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You

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