A person…can develop a cold.

So you woke up feeling like you swallowed a tube of sandpaper and the doozers were drilling away at your sinuses but you know that you still have to get up and go to work…boo!  The thought of getting out of bed and putting on presentable clothing to face the world seems like the worst idea since that time Michael Jordan decided he was going to be a baseball player.  What could possibly be as warm and cozy as some slippers and pajamas?


But if you MUST get dressed, I have some tips on how to be comfortable.

1. Wear layers-If you are sick, your body temperature might fluctuate dramatically, so be sure to wear lots of easily removable layers.

2. Don’t wear anything itchy-Being sick and in pain is bad enough without adding to your discomfort by wearing an itchy sweater, you also might end up being very sweaty which is not lovely in wool.

3. Don’t wear tight undergarments-Breathing can be hard enough without the added pressure of a structured bra so opt for something loose or less constricting

4. Be sure to wear pants or tights that can be easily removed -You should be consuming a lot of liquids so you will have to pee frequently, and you want to be able to quickly slip back into your pjs when you get home.

5.  No matter how unappealing your hair is, don’t wear it tightly tied back or in a headband-Your headache and sinuses will thank you for giving them a break

6. Grab sunglasses-Even if it doesn’t seem sunny, sunglasses serve not only to hide the bags under your eyes, but also protect your eyes from strain and squinting.

7. A scarf-Scarfs are great because they can keep you warm and protect your throat, alternately, you can use them as a makeshift pillow.

8.  fuzzy socks-If you work at a desk you can take off your shoes and you will feel like you are back in your apartment with your slippers on.

9.  Moccasins- See above!

Most importantly, just make sure you adjust to keep your body at a normal temperature and don’t wear mascara, lipstick or eyeliner.

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